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  1. North Korean Military Capabilities & Strategy - Nukes, Numbers & (bad) Economics

    The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (AKA North Korea) is perhaps the strangest military power we've ever had a detailed look at on this channel from a defence economic perspective.

    It's a nation of extremes - building nuclear weapons and ICBMs while requiring food aid, and fielding one of the world's largest active duty militaries with a population not that different from the likes of Australia.

    With the recent signing of a partnership agreement between Pyongyang and Moscow, I thought it was finally time for a more detailed look at the DPRK and the Korean People's army.

    Be aware, this is going to be a slightly weird one.


    Reading and Sourcing (abridged due to delayed releasee):

    Unless otherwise noted, platform and personnel estimates are per MB2022 for consistency with other episodes.

    US Defense Intelligence Agency - North Korean Military Power 2021

    Foreign Language Publishing House (North Korea), Kim Jong Il Biography

    Original video:
    Downloaded by on Sun Jul 21 21:24:37 2024 Available for 30 days after download

    —Huffduffed by luedtke